Transforming Word Ministries
"Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
Romans 12:2

- To proclaim the Good News of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ to the world.
- To encourage and edify the Body of Christ through teaching the Truth of God's Word.
- To co-labor with the Holy Spirit to promote an understanding of the Word of God.
- To conduct ourselves by God's uncompromising standards of excellence.
- To address and minister to the spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and social needs of others.
- To foster a spirit of unconditional love, unity, honor and respect among the brethren using God's Word as the prevailing standard.
- To experience the manifest presence of God as He transforms our lives.
- To raise up a generation of leaders who believe, understand and apply God's unfailing Word in our mission to evangelize the world; uprooting ungodly principles and planting the seeds of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
MISSION & Vision
- We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is the physical manifestation of God.
- We believe that God reveals Himself in three persons: the Father, The Son and His Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the operation of spiritual gifts and that they're enabled by the Holy Spirit to assist us in our service to the kingdom of God.
- We believe that a person is saved by the grace of God through their faith alone.
- We believe that the Word of God is inerrant and is the final authority for all aspects of life.
- We are a collective body of believers in Jesus Christ that worship The LORD in spirit and in truth, loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength- and our neighbors as ourselves.
-We are a teaching ministry of the Word of God through His Logos and His Rhema Word of revelation.